Saturday, April 14, 2012

boredome and what it does.

so im just sittin here listening to music on spotify and playin on facebook when it dawns on me. i have some of the weirdest friends on earth and i love them to death. but to people who don't know me or them would take us seriously and we could get into a lot of trouble for some of the stuff we say. but oh well thats like saying drama and haters make the world go round. i know don't make sense to me either. but on to other news

i have a smashwords account for selling my books. :D to that. and i have also been working on all of my books and have been working on a business plan for my catering company plus still making wedding renewal plans. yeah i know im busy. but its totally worth it at the end of the day. its been a long month and its only half way over. it makes me wonder if i will ever get everything done or if i just need to open a book store / coffee house instead. i don't know i wanna work with food and make it the way i want to. but its just a long way to the top . 

been chilling and working on my books though and they are coming along really well. it totaly works better when i have music and can just chill and write at the same time. ya know. i think its going to be a awesome thing when i finally finish them. its just a matter of time for me to finish atleast one of them. 

well later guys and gals and thanks so much for reading this i know its random