Sunday, February 26, 2012

okay so this is just a way for me to blow off steam or blow off writers block or just fuck around. let me tell you about my so called life in texas. btw i do cuss A LOT so if that is going to offend you please don't read any farther as it will cause you to catch internet troll syndrom and i really don't wanna have to deal with that. this blog is for me to rant rave post random things that pop into my head or is going on. i can use proper grammer but on this i really chose not to because honestly i just don't care. if you care about how i write on the internet then go to work for mircosoft office and help them with their word processor. okay so here are a few facts about me and my life....
1. my name is Kaylla Joyce Kendrick Paxson i am married and have been married for 5 years, my husband is awesome and thats why he is my husband be jealous.
2. i don't care if you don't like me but you will respect me. this means a lot to me since i can't really say that a lot of people do actually like me. 
3. i am a BITCH in all the termerology that can be used. but i try not to be one. if it gets to that point then its your own fault and by all means you were probaly a douchebag and deserve what ever i throw at you. 
4. i am bisexual. on this topic alone i know i will have a lot of people with "your going to burn in hell for your homosexual ways." to them i say "KISS MY DICK" which brings me to my next thing in which the post-quote of KMD goes to 
5. i am pagan. i love my religion and you can't tell me i am going to hell cause that breaks rule number uno of jesus's yadda yadda yadda of "don't judge" or whatever. 
6.i can't have kids. this really bothers me and i will explain why i have helped raise over 10 kids. all of these kids mean the world to me. yet the powers that be have either decided that making me not be able to have kids is a giant joke no one told me about or that there is a child on this earth somewhere who needs me more. 
7. i write books. they are on a writing site for authors its a awesome site 

well gotta go i will write more later 

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